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  • Writer's pictureRosalie Bartlett

How to Validate Addresses With the Google Address Lookup API

Addresses are critical to the everyday operations of many companies. They’re used to locate people and businesses, ship goods and services, and facilitate banking transactions. Erroneous or incorrectly formatted addresses can result in subpar user experiences and failed deliveries, costing employee time and resources to resolve. Address validation is a vital component to improving customer satisfaction, optimizing operational efficiency, and growing revenue by making sure you can reach the right audience with your marketing campaigns.

Most people are familiar with Google’s autocomplete feature, where you can type a word and it suggests the complete or corrected address for that location. Google’s API doesn’t actually validate or parse the address you enter, so these suggestions are merely a guess at what you meant to type. The problem is that if the address you entered isn’t formatted properly, it can’t be delivered and will never be found on a map.

Additionally, Google’s data isn’t updated very often, missing millions of changes to addresses every year. They also don’t offer suite and apartment coverage, so their suggestions are missing 30 million apartments across the USA alone. This is not an ideal situation for companies needing to verify high volumes of addresses.

Thankfully, PostGrid offers an API for address validation that is both fast and accurate. Our service returns addresses that are parsed and standardized so they’re valid and mailable, and we provide additional information like directional information to make your business more efficient.




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