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  • Writer's pictureRosalie Bartlett

How to Use an Address Autocomplete API With Gravity Forms

Using an address autocomplete api can greatly improve the user experience on your website by allowing them to quickly enter their shipping or billing address. It can also help reduce typos and incomplete addresses at the point of entry, which improves the accuracy of your data, makes for quicker processing, verification and helps you avoid costly mistakes.

Smarty US Autocomplete Pro is a popular google address autocomplete plugin for WordPress that allows you to automatically suggest valid addresses as users start typing. It works by identifying the geographic location of the user from their IP address and then suggesting only addresses that are close to them.

In addition to offering a geolocation feature Smarty US Autocomplete Pro also suggests suite and apartment numbers, which can greatly improve the usability of your form and the accuracy of the data it generates. Many other address autocomplete apis do not offer suite or apartment numbers.

To use Google Address Autocomplete with your Gravity Forms installation you will need a Google API key that is valid for Place Search, Place Details and the Maps JavaScript API. To generate an API key you can follow the instructions on this page. Once you have a Google API key you can then enable it by checking “Enable Google Address Autocomplete” under the Perks section for any Address fields that you wish to use it on. You can also restrict which countries you want the Autocomplete service to search within by selecting them in the Perks settings.




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